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Witchcraft In The Church!
Delivered From Santeria!
Demons That Attack At Night!
Are Witches Bad?
Recognize your need for GOD!
Don't Lose Your Essence!
Toxic Pastor's & Leaders!
God will Fight For You & Swallow Your Enemies!
Give From Your Treasure!
Does Your Church Celebrate Halloween?
Helping Others!
Testing of your faith!
I Can't see my Man's Phone
God Deserves the Best!
Tengo Muchos vídeos para ti
Suscríbete a mi canal Pastora Janice Batista
Yo soy La inquebrantable! 🥰 Y mi Corazón es de Crystal 💎
la verdadera sierva De Dios! maquillaje y pantalones!
Como Tener Fe
Quien te dijo a ti?
Como vivir sin ansiedad
Es Tiempo de pensar en Ti
Cuándo te difaman...Camina con tu cabeza en alto
Cuándo te ignoran en la iglesia
Brujas en la iglesia y pastores que usan la iglesia como un negocio!💰
Deja el reggaetonero y salva tu familia
La que es procesada es privilegiada!
Dios a mi no me Ama!
La ignorancia de muchos los impide ver libertad!
Es tiempo de fumigar esos espíritus impuros!
"Hi there Pastor Janice,
I'm listening to your Youtube videos and I just want to thank you for sharing your gift with the world it has blessed me so much."
"It's no accident i fell on your youtube Channel. You videos have Impacted my Life! Thank You Pastor Janice."
"I was so stressed Out With life...Your Channel has really Blessed me! Gracias Pastora Janice."
Hermano Roberto
"My Life is not in a good place right now... Im Struggling everyday to get it together! Im Just so Thankful for your Channel! it gives me so much hope to keep going... ."
"I could'nt get a Job! Thank you so much for praying in agreement with me! God Is Opening so many DoorS! "
"I saw your Witchcraft in the church video! and wow it was like you was speaking directly to me! I can see things so clearly now! thanks Pastor Janice! ."
"I left Church and turned my back on God! Thank you Pastor Janice For pushing & motivating back towards Jesus! ."
"Pastora Janice Thank You for educating is on witches and warlocks in the Church! your videos are very Illuminating! "
"Your Videos Give Me Hope! despite all the odds that are up against me! "
"Thanks for your videos! i thought i was crazy! i would talk to people about witches in church and people would look at me like im Crazy! It feels good to know im not alone! ."
"Thank you Pastor Janice...Everything you said in your video is exactly to the T' all of that is going on in our Church! "
"Your Videos Give Me Hope! despite all the odds that are up against me! "
"Thank you Janice,for giving me Biblicle tools to make massive changes in my life."
"Now I have a whole new vision for my future. The best is yet to come! Thanks Pastora! "
"I felt very alone pastoring my church, Thank you for helping me build back my confedence! we Love you mama! God Bless "
Pastora Michelle
"I had so many problems and no one to talk to... I Felt no one cared...Thank you for showing me the love of Christ!."
"I felt like i was going crazy! my world was crashing down on me! My husband left... I was alone starting over again with 4 Children! you really gave me hope to keep pushing! and trust God!"
"I felt so much rejection & Judgment at my last church! you helped me see that i needed to move pass the opinion of others! & love my self... the way God loves me! "
"The value you have given me has helped me rebuild my life and create meaning out of the darkness."
"Your videos gave me the push I needed to take steps in the right direction."
"Your words of wisdom made me realize there was something more for me out there."
"Pastora I love how you keep it real! you are happy with who you are! Dios te Bendiga! "
"You Push us to be great in all we do! Thank You!."
"Gracias por sus palabras pastora, tan jóven y tan llena de luz! Quisiera conocerla en persona , me impactó la sencillez y veracidad de sus mensajes , lo descubrí a través de un video por pura casualidad en el momento que más me hacía falta me devolvieron el valor y la esperanza en la vida . Dios los colme de bendiciones, tienes una inda familia."
"Pastora I just watched a video of yours on YouTube. My first time hearing you. I pray that God continues to use you for His glory!!!!!!! Powerful teaching on Witches and warlocks in the church. There needs to be a teaching in all churches on this "
"Pastor Janice I love your channel it has truly blessed me I hope to watch more videos... I also want to learn and understand more about the kingdom of God!"
"I love your story so much. Thank you for always sharing your love for God with us. Love you and may God bless you so much more. "
"Pastora, Your videos touched my soul! Your testimony is amazing! Thank you for sharing! I have been listening to your YouTube channel and it has been a blessing to me. Thank you for sharing God’s word!"
"Praise God praise God. Thank you for sharing your videos, woman of God...I shared tears of praise and gratitude to the Lord Jesus with you...He has certainly rescued us by His mercy and grace......moments after you shared on the Holy Spirit visit at the church, this tab shut down, and I re-opened it to give our Heavenly Father the praise and watch/listen to the rest of your testimony. Im Happy I did! Glory to God."
"God bless you woman of God you have powerful messages on Youtube! and I pray for you ma that God may increase you and give you more Grace and Fire and a huge delivering ministry in the name of Jesus God bless you "
Evangelist Jude
"Awesome testimony on youtube sister. Keep going hard for Father God."
"You are such a blessing. Thank you for doing these videos in English!! Your openness, and honesty is refreshing. May the Lord Jesus richly bless your life, Blessings sis!!"
"God bless you and to God be the glory for your testimony. Thank you for sharing on Youtube!"
"God I love you so much! Im so thankful for your videos."
"I really love your ministry. Your words are so encouraging for us women especially. We have a mighty purpose as wives, mothers and warriors for Christ. God bless you, your family and your ministry"
"I listen to every single one of your videos. The way you look at your pastoras, I feel like I look to you! 💓 Thank you so much for blessing us each week with new videos."
"Thank you soooo much for your encouragement! Everytime I watch your videos you have a good word for us. You encourage me so much and I've only heard your testimony once but it's powerful! Jesus is the only one who could have brought you through without hate and bitterness! Keep up the good fight and I can't wait to see your next video. God bless you always."
"Love love your videos, you fill me up with so much joy and feed my heart with so much love with the word of God may God bless you and your family <3 <3 amen amen amen!!!"
"I love how you’re always passionate in your videos. It’s awesome hearing you praise and pray as you speak the message. It’s inspiring and sharpens my iron. Thank you! By the way, I love all your video titles ."
P Ministry
"I absolutely love this message. Thanks because I definitely had to hear this. I have been battling something spiritually for months now but I have to get back up. I need to get my prayer life back on track and doing what the Lord needs me to do to grow and be that example for my children."
"Gracias por sus palabras pastora, tan jóven y tan llena de luz! Quisiera conocerla en persona , me impactó la sencillez y veracidad de sus mensajes , lo descubrí a través de un video por pura casualidad en el momento que más me hacía falta me devolvieron el valor y la esperanza en la vida . Dios los colme de bendiciones, tienes una inda familia."
"Eres una bendición. ¡Gracias por hacer estos videos en inglés! Su apertura y honestidad son refrescantes. Que el Señor Jesús bendiga ricamente tu vida, bendiciones Pastora"
"I’m watching your YouTube video on church hurt and I had paused it. Oh my God, I am currently experiencing this. I’ve been sad, but I keep pressing on. I’ve felt distanced from the Lord but I’ve been learning to reconnect (it was me, not Him) Because of this video, I feel like I’m breathing for the first time in weeks. I didn’t know I was holding my breath. Your video truly feels like healing honey to my soul. I am in tears right now.
I also checked out the video “What Are You Feeding From?” And Until this moment, there was a wedge between God and me. It wasn’t intentional. I was so shook to learn that I let the church hurt throw me off... And push me out. I can feel God’s presence again. It’s like a wall just tumbled down! Hallelujah! 🙌🏽 Thanks for all you do! Pastora
"Gracias por sus palabras pastora, tan jóven y tan llena de luz! Quisiera conocerla en persona , me impactó la sencillez y veracidad de sus mensajes , lo descubrí a través de un video por pura casualidad en el momento que más me hacía falta me devolvieron el valor y la esperanza en la vida . Dios los colme de bendiciones, tienes una inda familia."
"Eres una bendición. ¡Gracias por hacer estos videos en inglés! Su apertura y honestidad son refrescantes. Que el Señor Jesús bendiga ricamente tu vida, bendiciones Pastora"
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